Jundokan Okinawa
/Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate-do So-honbu have now confirmed overseas Shibu Dojo status. http://www.jundokan-hb.com/english/overseasdojo.htm
Budo Karate
/Today the techniques of Karate are taken lightly, and most turn to sports karate where both a participants training span and ability to compete are short. The importance of the many years of training is to achieve the unity of heart and technique. This is essential. Sports karate as a means of expanding or promoting karate is questionable. The men of old have stated that making BuDo into a sport will ruin it. The BuDo mentality is a harsh battle with ones self. We have to realize that we are in daily battle with the complex environment that surrounds us.
To win in competition, or obtain a rank, or other things such as "strength", "weakness", "skill", "clumsiness" etc. are only the surface of karate.
The value of BuDo is much greater. It is more important to cultivate the indomitable spirit through many years of training. Emphasis must be placed on ones internal qualities. To love and be loved, to always have a bright heart is very important as human beings.
" Tradition" is a strength possessed that cannot be seen with the eyes but something that is part of our lives. "Remember the old and learn the new" is a proverb that should be incorporated into our lives and all aspects of our daily training.
The uniqueness of karate is that it does not regard place, gender, and strength of body. I want to make a point that the training, therefore, can be done for a long time. Presently in Okinawa, there are many karate practitioners that guard the ancient traditions of karate culture. They have no interest in the "Japanizes" sports karate.
From the book "Okinawa Den Okinawa Goju-ryu Karate-Do". Written by......Eiichi Miyazato Sensei, 1978.
Resolutions for Karate Students for 2012
/Here are some Resolutions for Karate Students for 2012:
- Practice Karate because you enjoy it. If you do so, your happiness will be attainment of the goal you seek.
- Focus on skill and conditioning, rather than rank and titles.
- Try to get a little better every day.
- Ask your Sensei if there is anything you can do to help him (or her).
- Arrive at class early to help set up. Stay late to help put things away.
- Try hard to get better at just one thing this year. If you can do that, you can apply what you learn to other aspects of Karate.
- If you haven't already done so, begin the serious study of body dynamics.
- Pick one junior student at the dojo and make it your mission to help him (or her).
- Be a positive influence in the dojo.
- Be humble.
- Be respectful of and kind to other people (whether they study Karate or not).
- There is no end to improvement in Karate. Remember: not yet, not yet. Mada, mada, mada.
- Try to win a tournament (just joking, unless you view daily life as a tournament).
- Seek to dig deeper rather than climbing higher. The keys are inside you.
- Learn something about other styles of Karate. At a certain point, styles become irrelevant.
- Try to remain calm and focused the next time you are in a dangerous situation, like an earthquake, a hurricane, or a car accident. Be prepared.
- Read a book about Okinawan history and culture.
- If you can afford it, plan a vacation or stopover in Okinawa.
- Don't forget to spend time with and pay attention to your family.
- Apply the principles of Karate in your daily life.
- Enjoy Karate in 2012.
Thank you for reading this blog and for your kind words and support. I continue to work on myself.
Respectfully, Charles C. Goodin
Eiichi Miyazato (宮里 栄一 Miyazato Eiichi, July 5, 1922 – December 11, 1999)
/Miyazato Sensei was a very simple man. He did not seek out covers of magazines, make huge sums of money, or want the power of running a large karate organization. He truly practiced the teachings of Chojun Miyagi. Simple, Direct, and Uncomplicated. Just have fun training and just do it. That’s what Miyazato Sensei did every day at his dojo in Okinawa until he passed away.
Training Timaru Dojo Saturday 17 September
/Hi Everyone I am returning to Timaru for the Weekend on Friday 16 September and would like to train with anyone who is interested on the Saturday morning?
It would be interesting for me to see your progress and to catch up for a coffee afterwards.
Paul Sensei